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‘I want to make a difference to people’s lives’ says nurse apprentice Emily

Emily Jackson always knew she wanted a career helping others. But it wasn’t until she witnessed the ‘amazing’ end of life care her grandad received from nurses that she found her vocation.

Inspired to one day don her own nursing scrubs, Emily set out to retrain. At 25, she’s now part-way through her Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship with The Open University and received a prestigious Student Nurse of the Year nomination at the Student Nursing Times Awards 2022.

Nursing was always the dream

Emily completed various NVQs, gaining her access to a Registered Nursing Associate Foundation Degree with a brick university. Just two years later, she signed up for a Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship, delivered by the OU at the North Cumbria Integrated Care Foundation Trust.

She shares, “My colleagues are so supportive and my employer understands the OU really well as they employ many apprentices who are studying, just like me.

“Studying with the OU is definitely the right option for me as I can manage my home, work and study life balance. I think the key is to have that work-life balance.”

Advice for nurses of the future

“For anyone on the fence about studying with the OU, I’d say go for it!” says Emily.

“The OU is flexible, organised and everyone’s so supportive. For anyone currently studying, my advice is to just keep going. Think of your end goals and what you’ll achieve at the end. It’s always worth it. You should be proud of how far you’ve come already.”

The support Emily has received from peers, friends and family is what has made the journey so far that little easier. She says, “I really appreciate the support and communication from others. Whether that’s from fellow students on my course or apprentices working on the same course through the NHS. The OU forums are a good way to keep up to date with everyone.

“My friends and family are also really supportive. I tell them when I have deadlines and they’re so understanding when I say I need to study or complete some work.”

A nomination to remember 

Finding out she had been shortlisted as one of ten finalists for the ‘Student Nurse of the Year’ award was one of Emily’s proudest moments to date. “I couldn’t believe it,” she shares.

“Being nominated is such a massive achievement and I’m so proud of myself. I always strive to be a role model for student nursing as I feel very grateful for the opportunities I have been given. I’m proud to represent the OU, NHS apprentices and my employer.”

Looking forward

So, what does the future hold for Emily Jackson? On a personal level, Emily shares that she’s set to complete an ultra-marathon: “I’m running 30 miles in September to raise money for Kidney Care UK in support of my partner, who went through a kidney disease diagnosis just before I started my OU studies.”

Professionally, Emily says, “I can’t wait to graduate next year! Completing the course will make a huge impact on my career and I’m looking forward to making a difference to people’s lives.”


About Author

Megan Close is a Copywriter at The Open University. Whether she’s crafting catchy campaign headlines, sniffing out the latest trends or sharing inspirational stories, Megan loves creating compelling and engaging copy. She holds a BA (Hons) in Magazine Journalism and when not at work, enjoys long walks with her rescue pup Ned, good food and having a sunny holiday to look forward to.

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