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Olympic comedown’ is a common ailment after the games – here’s what it is and how athletes cope

Helen Owton is Lecturer in Sport and Fitness in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies. Here she explains why athletes experience a ‘comedown’ after the Olympics. 

Comedown” is a term usually associated with withdrawal from stimulant drugs. But the feelings experienced by athletes are not so different. The high athletes get from their sport has been linked to the release of the hormone adrenaline. The Olympic comedown is a response to the “high” that is experienced from the release of adrenaline during the games.

Adrenaline addiction is often connected to extreme sport participants but studies have shown that addictive disorders – including alcohol, drugs and gambling – can affect athletes across a range of sports.

Success can become like a drug to elite athletes. And, unfortunately, for some the “high” from winning and attention may be replaced with other addictions once the competition is over. Athletes report feeling like “rock stars” – one professional wrestler commented that “there’s no better drug” than their sport.

Prolonged media attention can delay a bout of post-Olympic blues but for many athletes retiring from elite sport altogether, this transition from feeling like a celebrity to becoming a regular person again can present a significant risk to their psychological health and wellbeing. Replacing the sporting experience with something constructive can be a challenge.

Coping with post-event blues

Many athletes have a strong but narrow sense of identity – what they do is a huge part of who they are. Once athletes return from the Olympic games, they may experience an existential crisis, asking themselves “what now?”, or “what does all this mean?”

But this doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Studies have demonstrated that when athletes stop their sport it can be an opportunity for reflection, clarification of values, and a search for alternative ways of living.

Preparing the mind and body to wind down for one’s health is just as important as psyching up to perform. A 2022 study reported that this sort of preparation and athlete support is still lacking.

Days before 800m runner Keely Hodgkinson won a gold medal in Paris 2024, she opened up about experiencing depression after coming second and “only” winning a silver four years earlier at the Tokyo Games, saying: “I didn’t realise Olympic comedown was actually a big thing.”

Post-event slumps don’t just affect Olympians, though. We can all experience depression after a long build-up to an important life event. While the following coping strategies were suggested by elite sportspeople to help other athletes ward off post-competition depression, they could be helpful for anyone trying to navigate our way through the blues after a big event.

The first step is to accept that you know the goal is finished, then take time off to enjoy and celebrate what you have achieved. Reflect on what went well, what didn’t go so well and what you enjoyed. Most importantly, make a list of the pleasurable things you missed out on while preparing for the event – so maybe going to the movies, having more free time to devote to hobbies, friends and family, or going to the beach. Then, during your time off after the event, make an effort to go and do those things.

Filling your life with meaningful activities after a big event can help all of us to deal with comedown – whether we’re Olympic rockstars or more ordinary folk.

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