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‘The OU helped me turn my passion into a career,’ says music teacher and percussionist

Gareth from Nottingham has used his degree from The Open University (OU) to progress his teaching and music career. At just 28, he became a head of department at his local school and a principal percussionist in one of the country’s oldest and most famous brass bands.

Alternative route

Gareth began his BA Honours Open Degree focused on music at just 19. The OU gave him the flexibility to achieve a career-changing degree whilst continuing to work as a teaching assistant.

“At 19 years old, I was working as a teaching assistant in a secondary school. I loved my job, especially seeing how music can motivate and inspire teenagers. I soon realised my ambition was to be a music teacher,” Gareth said.

“I owned my own house and needed a regular income in order to keep up with mortgage payments and to meet the cost of living, so being a full-time student in a mainstream university wasn’t financially viable. I realised the OU was the ideal way of achieving my degree, which would allow me to earn and learn at the same time.

“This was my chance to achieve and change my life.”

Further study and career goals

After completing his degree in 2017, Gareth decided to carry on with his studies and started an MA in Music with the OU.

“Teaching is a competitive profession. Having qualifications, but particularly OU qualifications shows an employer that you’re actively investing in your own career progression.

“Postgraduate study makes you stand out from other candidates. Studying the MA in Music was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass down. I thought why not another two years!

“Since completing my BA Honours degree and starting my Masters, things have moved in a positive direction. I’m now the head of music at the same school I started out at as a teaching assistant and because I can fit my studies easily around my other commitments, I’ve also been able to continue performing, which is where my love of music began.

Man in a black suit playing the drums

Gareth performing with the Black Dyke Brass Band

“I’m now the principal percussionist in the Black Dyke Brass Band, which has a rich and unrivalled history that is known across the world.

“Last year, we played on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival and have travelled to far flung destinations like Japan, Switzerland and Sweden.

“It’s great that alongside study, I can work in a job I adore and experience incredible adventures with my band.”

Inspiring the next generation

Gareth shares his achievements with his class of 7–11-year-olds and inspires them to follow in his footsteps.

“My class are always interested in hearing about my studies. As soon as you explain the other routes that are available, it encourages them to think about their next steps in whichever direction they might want to go.

“Without the help of the OU I wouldn’t be where I am today. To be able to study in my own time, continue working and perform music has made my dream become a reality.

“For anyone considering studying with the OU, you need to think about where you want to be. Look at the bigger picture. I could have easily stayed as a teaching assistant and not studied for the six years it took to complete my degree; but I’d always be wondering what could have been and would likely still be in the same role.

“Take that first step and one module at a time. Just know that the hard work will pay off in the long term.”

Take control of your career with the OU. Register before 9 January 2025 for courses starting in February.

About Author

Hannah is the Student Stories Copywriter in the In-house Creative Team at The Open University, having previously been a Media Relations Manager in the Press Office. With over a decade in communications, Hannah has led projects both agency-side and in-house for large companies and well-known brands, including RBS, NatWest, Travelodge, Audible, AA and the Royal Academy of Dance. She has completed a Masters in Publishing Studies and is currently studying towards an MBA. In her free time she enjoys photography, reading and going to the theatre.

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