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‘The OU has given me the opportunity to pursue my dream career’

At the age of 17, Chido left school to start a family, putting her academic goals to one side. After years of feeling she’d missed out on the degree she yearned for, Chido is chasing her ambition of becoming a professor.

Now 39, busy mum and mental health support worker, Chido, shares how she manages to fit study around two jobs and family life, whilst dreaming big for the future.

Finding the right fit

With young children to look after and her partner studying full-time, Chido was itching to pick up her education, but wasn’t sure how.

“I knew that physically attending a university wasn’t possible until my partner finished his degree, but I didn’t want to wait,” Chido explains. “I started searching around the UCAS website and that’s how I discovered the OU – it was the perfect solution for my situation.”

Excited by the prospect of learning again, Chido enrolled on her first Psychology OU module as soon as she could.

“I love the flexibility the OU offers. I can get on with my life while I complete my studies. I’ve learned to be really disciplined with my time,” says Chido.

Working across a variety of locations, with school runs and children’s activities in the mix, Chido tries to make the most of any downtime in her day.

“Because I’m travelling from one place to another, I often find myself with time to kill between appointments or pick-ups,” Chido describes. “So, I always have my course materials with me, and I make the most of those gaps by squeezing in some study – with the OU, you can literally study anywhere.”

As a support worker for adults with learning disabilities, Chido’s studies have already made a difference at work.

“Studying has helped me better understand the people I work with,” she says. “The course and my job complement each other perfectly.”

Building confidence

Having been out of formal education for several years, Chido took a little time to adjust to studying independently.

“When I first started, there were moments when I worried that I wasn’t smart enough,” admits Chido. “Connecting with other students really helped, it was a comfort to know that I wasn’t alone and lots of people felt the same way.”

Embracing the OU’s student community has become a source of motivation for Chido, spurring her on when she needs it.

“If I’ve been putting something off, knowing that others have made more progress keeps me on track,” Chido says. “The forum for people on my module is amazing. Everyone’s so helpful and comes up with different ways of looking at things.”

Growing in confidence all the time, Chido grabs every opportunity for tutor support.

“Tutorials are great for explaining the course content in more depth, and they’re recorded if you can’t catch them live,” says Chido. “Even if I still don’t understand something I can get in touch with my tutor, who always responds quickly.”

Chido adds, “My module tutor is amazing. I’ve taken all the feedback I’ve received and applied it, and I’m already getting higher grades in my assignments. I had a little self-doubt at first, but now I know I’m getting it.”

Looking to the future

With her eye on the finish line, Chido has her career path mapped out.

“Once I graduate, I want to be a therapist, then with that experience, take my academic career further and work towards become a professor,” Chido shares.

Having so many commitments to juggle, Chido reflects on what keeps her motivated to study.

“I felt like I’d let myself down by not furthering my education when I was younger, but now the OU has given me the opportunity to pursue my dream career,” says Chido. “My aunt is an inspiration – she’s an expert in the field of psychology and a professor at the University of West London. I’d love to follow in her footsteps.”

Determined to fulfil her potential, Chido reflects on her OU experience so far, keen to encourage others to see where an OU degree can take them.

“I’d say to anyone thinking about their next step, to consider OU study. I’m really happy with the support I get – the OU is a brilliant university! I know if I stick with it and dedicate myself, I’ll have the career I’ve always dreamed of.”

Inspired by Chido’s story?

Step into your future with the support of the OU. Register before 5 September for courses starting this October and discover what you’re capable of.

Find out if Chido is ‘The Smartest in Their Space’ in the one and only OU themed game show, in partnership with Word on the Curb. Catch all four episodes on YouTube where OU students and well known content creators battle it out for the coveted trophy.


About Author

Hannah is a Student Stories Copywriter in the In-house Creative Team at The Open University. Hannah has a wealth of strategic communications and copywriting experience in the not-for-profit sector and she loves the opportunities her work brings to meet people and tell their stories. In her spare time, Hannah enjoys cooking for friends and family, playing tennis, hiking and going to gigs.

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