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“OU study was the start of an amazing journey,” says celebrated dementia activist Gina

Since completing her BA (Hons) Health and Social care degree at The Open University, Gina Awad’s steadfast commitment to dementia awareness has earned her scores of awards and plaudits, including the British Empire Medal for voluntary service in the Queen’s 2018 Birthday Honours List.

In Dementia Action week, Gina’s book United: caring for our loved ones living with dementia has been named as an essential resource in the Reading Well for Dementia collection. She shares more about her work and how OU study helped make it possible.

Where it all started

Having worked in estate agency for many years, Gina craved a more meaningful role and switched paths to work with vulnerable families after obtaining a Diploma in Counselling. With an avid interest in the human mind, Gina was itching to explore opportunities within a caring profession.

“I always loved learning but never thought of myself as an academic,” says Gina. “A couple of my friends studied with the OU and I liked the sound of it – so I decided to give it a go myself and signed up for a social care module.”

Before long, Gina was hooked and set her sights on being the first person in her family to achieve a degree.

“I’d always been fascinated in the life course, so I was absolutely loving what I was learning,” Gina recalls. “Then when I started the dementia care module, it sparked something in me. It was nothing short of transformational and led me down a path I would never have imagined.”

Digging deep

With a newfound determination to make a difference in the area of dementia awareness, Gina carved out time to build a deep understanding of the impact of the condition, while forging ahead with her OU studies.

“I’ve facilitated several initiatives in my local area including delivering information sessions in the community and supporting those living with dementia and their families. That all led to me founding the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance, which is now in its tenth year,” says Gina.

“There were times I felt overwhelmed and wasn’t sure if I could sustain everything, but I just couldn’t bring myself to give up either my passion for dementia work or my studies. I’m so glad I persevered – attending the degree ceremony with my family was such a proud moment.”

A special collaboration

Passionate about the power of storytelling, Gina teamed up with well renowned cartoonist Tony Husband to shine a light on the lived experience of those living with dementia. Having lost his father to dementia, Tony’s illustrated account struck a chord with Gina.

“Our collaboration kicked off when I met Tony at a Social Sciences event hosted by Exeter University, where he told his dad’s story through his book,” Gina recounts. “I loved the book, so I hung back at the end of the presentation to have a chat with him, and we connected straight away.”

After working together on plenty of projects, Gina’s brainchild United came to life.

“Our mutual mission to raise dementia awareness and inspire action triggered the idea of creating a book. We wanted to help those affected by the condition navigate the health and social care system and deal with the complex emotions associated with a dementia diagnosis,” Gina explains. “I’m so grateful to the families who agreed to share their stories to support others, we couldn’t have done it without them.”

The news that United has been selected for the Reading Well for Dementia collection, is bittersweet for Gina.

“Tragically, Tony died suddenly last year before he heard that not one, but two of his books made the list,” Gina shares. “He did so much for dementia action and we all miss him terribly.”

Reflecting on everything she’s achieved Gina looks back on her career transformation.

“I would not be sitting here with my book if it wasn’t for my OU degree. I found the six years of study incredible and it was the catalyst that inspired me on this journey,” says Gina. “If you have a calling, it’s never too late to follow it and the OU will support you every step of the way.”

About Author

Hannah is a Student Stories Copywriter in the In-house Creative Team at The Open University. Hannah has a wealth of strategic communications and copywriting experience in the not-for-profit sector and she loves the opportunities her work brings to meet people and tell their stories. In her spare time, Hannah enjoys cooking for friends and family, playing tennis, hiking and going to gigs.

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