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‘My confidence is the best it’s ever been, thanks to the OU’

Hampered by low confidence, Kyle, 36, rejected the place he was offered at a campus university, despite his lifelong dream of achieving a degree.

Now studying Arts and Humanities at The Open University (OU), Kyle shares how a promise to his late nan gave him the strength to fulfil his potential and unleash an insatiable love for learning.

Taking the plunge

Kyle yearned for higher education, but a lack of self-belief thwarted each attempt to make it happen.

“I applied to university a few times, and was accepted, but when it came to it, I just couldn’t get over the line,” Kyle explains. “I’d struggled with my confidence for a long time, and it held me back.”

With a close relationship to Kyle, his nan understood how important it was for him to pursue his dream.

“My nan knew how much it meant to me to carry on with education,” says Kyle. “Before she died, I promised her that I’d get my degree, but it wasn’t until I discovered The Open University that I truly believed it.”

Needing to maintain his income while he studied, Kyle realised that distance learning could be the answer.

“I can’t say I had full confidence when I signed up to do my first module, but I knew I wanted to make some changes in my life and the OU seemed like a great option,” Kyle recalls. “

Inspiring content

Kyle was set on studying history, a subject that had always fascinated him, until one module unlocked a completely new passion.

“I’d never come across Classics before and I can’t believe how much I love the subject,” Kyle enthuses. “OU degrees are modular, so you can switch the focus of your degree if something sparks your interest.”

Now working towards an Arts and Humanities degree specialising in Classics, Kyle’s confidence is growing.

“Studying doesn’t feel like a chore because it’s so interesting,” says Kyle. “I went into it just wanting to pass, but once marks and feedback come through, you learn what’s needed to get higher grades and it starts to mean more than you ever thought it would.”

Support to succeed

With confidence issues to overcome, leaning into the support available at the OU has helped Kyle believe in himself.

“There are people you meet along the way, who make the journey worthwhile,” says Kyle. “The support I’ve had from my tutors has been amazing. There have been times I felt like a pest, but they went out of their way to help me.”

Keen to make the most of his OU experience, Kyle is an active member of the student community.

“I love the fact you get to connect with other students,” says Kyle. “You can interact with people from all backgrounds, hear differing opinions and get involved in discussions. It adds to the experience.”

With a career change on his mind, Kyle has already engaged with the OU’s Careers and Employability Services.

“Studying Classics, everyone assumes I want to be a teacher, but that’s not for me,” Kyle explains. “The careers advisors are absolutely brilliant. They make you realise all the transferable skills you’re developing through studying – self-motivation, communication, independence – all of which helps when you start applying for jobs.”

One step at a time

Not only studying while working full-time, but Kyle has also bagged new qualifications through work.

“Looking back, I don’t know how I did it, but I did two level 3 NVQs last academic year,” Kyle reflects. “I must admit, I felt very proud getting through all of that. Imposter syndrome still creeps in, but I’m learning to manage it.”

When self-doubt gets the better of him, Kyle knows it’s time to take a break.

“When it all feels too much, I need a change of scenery – four walls can feel like a trap in your mind,” Kyle shares. “I’ll go out for a bite to eat and try to clear my head, then I always come back fresher.”

Spurred on by every assignment passed and his newfound love for Classics, Kyle looks to the future.

“I feel like I never want to stop learning, OU study has been so good for my mental health – there’s always someone to support you,” says Kyle. “I’m still working on my confidence, but it’s the best it’s ever been, thanks to the OU.

Register by 5th September to start your OU journey if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be an OU student, we’ve got you covered. Head over to Instagram to find out what happened when Kyle teamed up with content creator Kyran Nijjar, to share a typical day of juggling work, social life and OU study.

About Author

Hannah is a Student Stories Copywriter in the In-house Creative Team at The Open University. Hannah has a wealth of strategic communications and copywriting experience in the not-for-profit sector and she loves the opportunities her work brings to meet people and tell their stories. In her spare time, Hannah enjoys cooking for friends and family, playing tennis, hiking and going to gigs.

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