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‘Every person I have met online has been so friendly, helpful and inspiring’

At 19 years old, Izzy wanted to achieve a degree but knew ‘going away’ to university wasn’t right for her. She shares how studying flexibly from home with The Open University (OU) fit her lifestyle and career goals.

Izzy, now 21, said, “I was lost on what to do, knowing I didn’t want to attend a brick university. A teacher mentioned the OU, which sounded perfect for me.

“I would be able to have the flexibility of working and volunteering, continue my education, and not have to move away from home. Within a week, I had signed up, chosen my modules and had my next step for education finalised.”

Finding friends

A young women with long blonde hair, wearing a red coat and scarf and eating an ice cream.

Izzy enjoying time with her friends

Although Izzy was excited to start her studies, she was worried she would feel isolated and struggle to make friends, but she quickly found her tribe.

“My main worry was that I wouldn’t have any friends,” she says. “Little did I know someone from my town was studying the same module as me. I made so many new friends and study buddies. We had such a good laugh and kept each other motivated.

“Every person I met online was so friendly, helpful and inspiring.”

Planning for the future

Having just finished her third and final year with the OU, Izzy was thrilled to learn she had received a 2:1 in her BA (Honours) Social Sciences degree. She is now on her way to becoming a full-time teaching assistant.

“Over three years, I have been able to study while working. I’ve gained vital experience, earned money and learnt valuable skills. The exposure to different industries and the connections I have made has also helped me to feel confident in choosing a career path after graduating.

“I feel on top of the world having received my result. The OU has been great for me. My advice for anyone considering an OU degree would be to grab the opportunity – it’s something I have most certainly done and I’m so grateful I did.”

Like Izzy, you could achieve your career goals with an OU degree. Register before 5 September for courses starting this October.

About Author

Hannah is the Student Stories Copywriter in the In-house Creative Team at The Open University, having previously been a Media Relations Manager in the Press Office. With over a decade in communications, Hannah has led projects both agency-side and in-house for large companies and well-known brands, including RBS, NatWest, Travelodge, Audible, AA and the Royal Academy of Dance. She has completed a Masters in Publishing Studies and is currently studying towards an MBA. In her free time she enjoys photography, reading and going to the theatre.

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